Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Environmental Regulations

That was a dumb thing to do. I spent some down time this afternoon reading up on some of the latest environmental regulations, that will directly affect my small wood business since we use a lot of electricity, at least by my standards.
The EPA clean air standards that are coming into effect at the first of the year are going to be the death knell for many coal fed power plants. Of course the environmental movement has cloaked the whole debate in “clean air” language, that makes anyone who questions their “high and holy wisdom” sound like they want nasty chemicals spewing into the air. But here is the kicker. The same people also do not want us to build nuclear plants. Seems the only form of power that is acceptable to them is power we don’t yet have the technology to produce in quantity, nor at a cost that is feasible to run a nation. Ok, I had that “rant” yesterday, so I will let it go.

However, the electric needs are not something that can just be dismissed, not if we intend to keep our modern way of life. In an article I read about MN’s power supply, it was pointed out that many of our power plants that operate from coal are over 50 years old. It would seem reasonable that these plants need to be updated to more efficient technology and at the same time, sill use coal as a good alternative power source. I contend that coal is a good power source for several reasons. The major one being, we don’t have to buy coal from Arab countries that would like to destroy our western way of life, replacing it with a “rag-head” radical Moslem theocracy. (Yes, I am aware that this statement is “unnecessary” and politically incorrect, but reading and hearing some of the things those folks say and do, I don’t have much patience with bleeding heart stupidity, that says I should be ‘sensitive’ about hurting their feelings.) My point, Moslem jabs aside, is that the U.S. has lots of coal that is much cheaper to turn into electricity than using gas or other sources, these could be better used to power transportation and other types of energy using equipment.

I wonder if anyone else remembers what our current president said during his campaign back in ‘07? My memory is not the best in the world, but I recall clearly candidate Obama saying, that under his administration the coal industry was likely to go “bankrupt”. What amazes me is that people in coal producing states still voted for him. They must not have believed he was serious. But then it is not only the coal industry that stands to go “bankrupt” under the combined weight of government environmental regulation. Many industries that are dependent on electric, at a reasonable cost, will follow suit just as soon as their electric rates double as the “clean electric” comes online.

It should be understood that most Americans do not want to destroy the environment and would not do things that they knew were harmful. On the other hand, much of the radical environmental movement has demonstrated that their “end game” has more to do with politics than actually “saving the planet”. If anyone doubts that there is a political agenda underlining a great deal of the environmental movement, all they need to do is some online research into websites that promote environmental causes. A lot of what is claimed to be for the “good of our environment”, turns out to be ‘good for certain politicians’, along with some industries that have a lot of money invested in the fad of “green energy”.

What we have ended up with is a lot of money going into the swamp of the so-called green energy industry, with very little to show for it. This, at a time when the nation as a whole and many as individuals are for all intents and purposes “bankrupt”. The latest count I have heard is that we are now $15 trillion in debt, with a large portion of our tax dollars being used just to pay the interest! Insanity.

My question is this: How is it going to help our nation to get back on its feet to continually ‘bankrupt’ whole industries? Can it really be true that Americans have lost the desire to remain a free people? Or are we so distracted by our everyday struggles, that we do not care what is going on in the halls of legislation?

In less than a year we have another national election. All next year we are going to be inundated, with politicians and the news media, telling us who will be the best to lead our country. All the while, Washington is going to continue to fleece the American taxpayer to pay for all kinds of foolish spending, while at the same time, they pass more regulations that are bound to kill jobs, kill businesses, kill freedom, and finally kill the ability of everyday people to produce the things necessary to keep this nation going.

When I go to vote next fall, I can’t say who I will be casting my vote for, but it will be for whoever I think is “less likely” to destroy American enterprise. I don’t believe anyone in Washington can do anything to help the economy grow, except- “Get Out of the Way”! The “Federal Regulators” remind me of some employers, who will give a person a job to do, a task that they are fully qualified to perform, then stand over their shoulder and criticize every move they make. Anyone who has seen that situation, knows that the job is not going to get done very efficiently.

Right now our nations needs jobs, jobs, jobs. But small business, who creates most new jobs in this country is being crushed under the weight of “Federal Regulators” to the point that many capable people are just throwing in the towel, walking away from enterprises that could and would bring more jobs, except “Big Brother Government” is leaning over their shoulder saying, “you can’t do that, you might harm some unknown specie of insects”, or regulations that have the same effect.

I am not opposed to all government regulation and common sense environmental policies, but I am opposed to heavy handed hypocrisy from politicians and certain “special interest” groups, who either don’t have a grasp on reality, or want to destroy our way of life.

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