Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Emergency Broadcast Test- Why?

Today the government attempted to test a new emergency broadcasting program. According to most media, it was a failure. But never fear, a few billion dollars should take care of that.

My question is, what is the purpose of a new emergency broadcasting program? There has been one in place for many years, everyone has heard them say, "this is a test of the emergency broadcasting system, if this had been an actual emergency you would be informed where to tune in for information." Why suddenly do we need to have "one man" in total control of what information we receive? What if that "one man" is mistaken or unreliable? What if he has a motive other than the welfare of the nation? Surely we are not a nation with some "king" who will control the flow of information, or are we?

Maybe it is cynical to question the motives of our government, but I have lived long enough to realize that no one person ought to have that kind of power, whether he is all good or not. The old saying comes to mind, "power corupts, absolute power corupts absolutely." They report that the president will soon have, if he does not already have a "internet kill switch"! Surely not. Again, what would be the purpose? At best we are dealing with a threat we are unaware of, but giving any one man total power of informatin in a free society does not seem like the best way to keep our freedom. At worst, we could some day find ourselves in a state of confusion, induced by a lack of information or misinformation.

Just an opinion; but a free people ought to take responsibility for themselves and be able to make a reasoned judgment without being spoon fed by "one man".  Freedom requires personal responsibility.

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