Thursday, January 5, 2012

America's Best

For those of us living in MN, we cannot get the mild weather out of our conversations or even our minds. Today (Jan. 5, 2012) in the early afternoon my temperature reading is 52 degrees! Now that would be about 5 degrees above most of the area, since we live in an unexplained “hot spot”. However you look at it we cannot believe our great good luck. Call it what you want, we in MN, most of us anyway, are very happy to have a mild winter. It don’t happen all that often and we can expect “hard winters” in coming years.

 Naturally, this one is not over yet. If we suddenly go into a ‘nasty spell’, all this will be quickly smothered in the reality of a MN winter.

On other subjects. I had a visit with my surgeon today and she told me that all seemed well and I should plan on being able to resume a normal work load in another week. Using ‘pain’ as my guide for how quickly I can become “load bearing” again. So my ‘medical leave’ vacation is about to come to a halt. That means I must get myself afoot and start walking in order to build up my stamina before I actually find myself atop a lumber pile. It is a remarkable thing how quickly the body can go “soft”, but from too much experience in “recoveries”, I also know how quickly we can regain our strength by a daily concentration of simply walking. All the more reason to be thankful for the mild weather!

It is only January, the fall elections are not until November, but if other folks see it the way I do, we are already tired of hearing politicians feed us a pack of lies about each other, the current resident in the White House (although they don’t have to lie to make him look pathetic, but it is their nature, just to stay in practice I suppose) but worse than everything else, not only do they lie “to us”, they lie about us. They would like us to believe that we Americans, would shrivel up and die if it were not for their kindness in giving us ‘permission to breath’! I can only listen to them for but a few minutes and then get a “doomed” feeling. If these over inflated egos are the best the USA has to offer us for a President, we are in deep trouble. The only consolation I have is that I know for certain “the candidates” for the presidents office, are not the smartest most important people in America.

America's best are “working” day and night to improve on a bad situation that the professional politicians have gotten us into. Our “best” are the everyday people who go about their chosen employment with ambition and honor. Our “best” are the men and women of our military that risk life and limb to keep us free. Our “best” are business men, who in spite of vicious attacks from self serving politicians, are continuing to provide the goods and services the nation must have to keep moving. Our “best” are seen daily, usually early morning and late evening, commuting back and forth to real jobs that produce income so the economy does not totally fall in on itself. But “Our Best” are up against our “elected officials”, who more often than not, stand in opposition to success and demonize ‘wealth’, all the while they fleece the “working people”, whether rich or poor, of every last cent!

It is my dream that one day, “Our Best” get the better of these bums called politicians! How? By sticking to the capitalist system until at some point, the majority of American people understand that we can have a thriving economy again. But it will not be “provided” by “Big Brother Government”, rather a strong economy is driven by honest Americans producing goods and services at a fair price that people want and are willing to pay for.

It is a confessed fact that I am not smart enough to explain how we are suppose to “by-pass” an ‘overbearing federal government’ to reclaim our “once” thriving free enterprise system. I suspect it will only come about after enough of us, reach the point of “having nothing left to loose” and then “in mass” begin to simply “ignore” Washington and go about our businesses without asking for their “high and holy” permission. At this point in time that can’t be done. Just read any newspaper and you will find stories of businesses “shut down” due to some violation of federal code. Most often the owners failed to ‘grease the right palms’ in Washington. Cynical, yes, but tell me it is not true.

I will grant that there are plenty of sleazy business people who should be ‘out of business’, but most often, those kind of people get their due without government action.

Oh my, how did I get so far into this rant? J At this point the only thing you and I can do is to pay at least some attention to the issues involved in this next falls election. Then, having educated ourselves, we are bound by pragmatism, to vote for who we really believe will do the “least harm”. It is a fact of life that more people are capable of destroying a house, than are those competent to ‘build a house’. The “Destroyers” have been on a rampage, ‘we the people’ will, at some point, have to rebuild if we are to have a land free, proud and brave.

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