Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We Needed That Pipeline

Most Americans work to provide for themselves and their families, which is only right and proper. But what some of us “working people” don’t understand is; why does it seem that our government is doing everything possible to make our lives “harder”?

Case in point, today the President has determined that the Keystone pipeline that has been in the works for sometime now, cannot go forward and must be put on hold until after the next election.

Mr. President, I have some questions; 1) Why is it important to hold up this nations supply of oil that Canada, our “friendly neighbor” wants to sale us? How can it even be questioned whether or not this “Private financed” project is good for our nation and economy? I also see where you want another 1.2 trillion dollars to spend for only God knows what, money that must come from the pockets of working Americans, but at the same time your policy in stopping this one project is costing us billions more by way of jobs that could be created with money put up by industry and not the taxpayers. It would help us toward cutting down on the amount of oil that we have to buy from the “not so friendly Arab nations”. It might also help stabilize the price that we have to pay for gasoline, the only viable fuel source we have right now to power this country.

2) Mr. President, who needs Iran for an enemy when we have you sitting in the White House, in effect holding us hostage? Why say we need to wait until after 2013 to decide whether or not to build this pipeline? Do you really think there are enough votes by the “anti-pipeline” environmental “nuts” in this country to assure you a re-election? Then, if you are elected, what happens? Will you be beholden to that crowd and thus put a stop to this project ‘forever’? All at the same time you are feeding us a complete line of ****** that you want what is best for the USA.

With respect, Mr. President I don’t think you need those few votes nearly as bad as our country needs oil from Canada.

Something is wrong with this picture folks. Our own president, who knows better than any of us, how close we are to another war in the middle east, with Iran this time, refuses to let Canada ship crude oil to us.

I will be the first to admit that I never had much faith that Barack Hessian Obama was going to be “good for our country” from the beginning. That based upon his own statements while campaigning for office the first time. One of those statements was to the affect that the coal companies would have to go out of business, because we could not longer be using coal as a source for electric power. Yet, he nor anyone else has a reasonable alternative at this point in time. What? Are we suppose to go back to the ‘dark ages’ and do without electric just because it “might” be having some affect on our weather, like warming us up. I wish he could have stood with me today, while I worked in sub-zero wind and then tell us that “warming” was a serious problem!

Ok, Ernie’s World is not very pleased today with our beloved president. Of course he is not the only one standing in the way of our survival. There is a whole army of liberal over educated fools standing side by side with him. Many politicians and tax leaching bureaucrats who are playing ‘high and holy’ with environmental claims are right there on his side.

Here is my opinion of the whole bunch. Hypocrites one and all! They deny common tax-paying working Americans the energy we need to “produce something” and pay their salaries, while at the same time while spending us into bankruptcy, they are flying around all over the world on fuel consuming jets and using up more energy than most large cities, and then tell us, we have to pay more for gas from the Arabs, because they just can’t allow us to buy oil from Canada.

The rumor is that if Canada can’t get this pipeline going soon, they will turn to China to sale their oil. Who would blame them?

If there was ever a time in our nation, when our national leaders have truly worked against its citizens, it is happening now right before our very eyes.

I think I best go fishing and forget about the “fools”, I don’t have a vote until next fall, but it is certain my vote won’t be for someone who is either ‘stupid’ or ‘anti-American’.

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