Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Ernie’s World has been quiet for awhile. That is because I have been very busy or just don’t have much to say. That was until I just got done spending 3 days with my grandson! What a joy that was. He is about 15 months old and I had not seen him since around late October. They sure grow fast at this stage in their young lives! His parents dropped him off and went on a fishing trip.

Back in October he was quite clumsy as he was learning to walk, now he is a fast little fellow. Since most of the “work” falls on grandma, that leaves the ‘fun’ up to me. Only those who have grandchildren can understand how much joy it is too look into those eyes and realize that this person is your 2nd generation offspring. Then see the pure excitement about life and learning there is in the young ones, something that we older folks have forgotten about.

I am sure all grandparents feel the same about their grandchildren. But this is the first for us and the first “boy” descendent that I have. In my mind that makes it even more special. We have two daughters who have brought great joy and excitement to our lives. A boy is a different critter altogether. Grandma said that while I was plowing snow, the young fellow watched the tractor with awe and did not want to leave the window as long as I was in sight. He likes machines, tools and anything that looks like it is mechanical. Girls have their own charm, but to watch a young boy study everything in sight, to see how it is put together is something I never noticed either of my girls doing.

We had a small plastic sliding board set up in the house for him to play on. On one side there was a plastic cap that was lose from a bolt, he worked time and again at trying to get that thing to go over the bolt head where he was certain it was suppose to be, but being broke it would not stay, but I don’t know at the times I saw him working at that thing, as if he was determined to fix it.

Yea, there is nothing like a grandchild to perk up ones interest in small children. Every small child has a grandparent somewhere who thinks the world of them, at least I hope they do. I know where there is one little fellow who does.

One more thing. How should I explain this so as not to overstate the case? We all know toddlers can be “notional”, even when it makes no sense. But the little fellow sure made grandpa feel “special” when we went to meet his parents to take him back home. I got him out of his car seat and took him to his mother. The little bugger pulled away from his ma and clung to my neck! After not seeing her for 3 days! How funny is that? Even knowing it was just the ‘notion’ of the moment made grandpa feel good. J

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