Friday, February 3, 2012

Never Run Out of Work

Things in my world have been busy this week, as I expect them to stay that way, I don’t suppose my posts will be very regular.

One sure thing about being self-employed, you don’t run out of work, there is always dozens of things that need to be done. The only drawback is that many of those things are not very profitable, if at all, yet I consider it better to have plenty to do than to sit around worrying about ‘what to do’. If I was a good business person, I would eliminate all the ‘unprofitable’ work and only concentrate on the work that earns its way, which is something I do “try” to do, but then the matter of reality always gets in the way.

The ancient Greeks had a saying; ‘That ones character dictated their fate’. I have considered that little word of wisdom and find that it is probably very much to the point. My natural inclinations get in the way of using good sense when it comes to using my time in a profitable manner. One thing being, I don’t view ‘money’ as being the most important part of my life or business. Consequently I am constantly getting myself into a lot of work that does not pay very much, just because I want to do a certain job, even when I know I can’t make much money for the time invested.

It was well over 20 years ago when I first began woodworking. I had vague dreams that it could provide a portion of my necessary income and it has, but the fact is any teenager flipping burgers at a fast food joint, makes more per hour than I do on a woodworking project. The only advantage I have is that I don’t have to punch someone else’s time clock, that might not be much of an advantage, but it agrees with my disposition or you might say ‘character’ and so I face my own self-made ‘fate’.

Aside from work, our world has be socked in with dense fog for 3 days now. It moved in sometime during the night on Tuesday and has only began to dissipate this afternoon. It was somewhat eerie with such thick fog day and night. We could barely see a quarter mile during the brightest part of the day, it made me think of what it must be like in England, a land known for its dense fog. But this afternoon as it began to clear, we were left with a beautiful thick frost on the trees and everywhere we looked. That is how our lives are. From the deepest dark hours we eventually emerge to a brighter day, as long as we keep putting one foot ahead of the other and never give up to despair or discouragement.

Speaking of discouragement, no, I guess I won’t go there today. I was going to mention the GOP trying to choice a candidate to run against the current ‘occupier’ of the White House, but everyone running seems like they would rather self-destruct than see an opponent get the nomination. If they keep this up, one thing seems to be sure, the White House will stay in the hands of the one who is there. Just my opinion, but we who live in a state with only 2 electoral votes don’t have much of a say-so in either election. So the GOP will eventually put up someone, Romney I assume from the looks of things. One who I can’t see winning a head to head election against Chicago politics on a national scale. I am not sure anyone could. I surely hope I am wrong, but since we are for all realistic purposes ’bankrupt’, I am also not sure it will matter who sits in the oval office.

It is probably best for a common person, who likes a simple live close to the land, to just vote when the time comes and let the ‘destroyers’, as Ayn Rand called the political elite, do what they are going to do. While I, do what I can do to keep body and soul together by staying busy with my own small world. But I will still keep an eye on them!

Yea, that groundhog. Phil, whatever the rest of his name is, which I never could pronounce, much less spell, says 6 more weeks of winter. As a friend observed, we really have not had the first 6 weeks yet, even here in MN! I still have not forgotten what the Wooly Worm told me last fall. His coloring said we would have very mild weather the first part of the winter, but the spring would be long and nasty. Humm, I don’t really believe in the legend, but I have not forgotten it either. We could certainly have some very nasty weather here anytime from now to late April, but no matter how it turns out now, our winter will be much shorter than normal.

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