Monday, February 6, 2012

War With Iran?

MN weather just continues to amaze and stay in the ‘surreal zone’. Today it was sunny and 42° , really strange. We even got reminded of what “mud” was, that unpleasant part of spring. Of course, the forecast is calling for around zero by mid-week, but that is still nothing to be concerned about. We still have only gotten a few inches of snow all winter, which pleases me to no end, since I don’t get a thrill out of plowing snow. The only thing I have missed is snowshoeing, but I can live with it.

It would seem that another war is almost sure before much longer. I am speaking of the situation with Iran. This has been brewing for over 30 or 40 years now. Remember the hostages under Jimmy Carter’s term in the 70’s? When the Muslim extremist took over Iran. Now they have or on the verge of having nuclear weapons. That within itself is nothing new, a lot of countries have such weapons, but most nuclear countries are not threatening to destroy their neighbors with them. In fact, ’promising’ to destroy Israel at all costs!

Here is my take on the whole situation. If our own government would let American oil companies drill for oil in our own country, plus the Gulf of Mexico, where many other countries are working, but our President restricts us from doing so. Then get busy with the pipeline that our friendly neighbors Canada wants in order to supply us with crude oil, we would not need to worry about “OIL”. So how can it be that an American president and his political party is bound and determined to keep us ’dependent’ on middle east oil? It is beyond me to understand. What is also beyond my understanding is how anyone who has not been in a complete coma over the last 3 years, would vote for this president a second time? But my honest feeling is that it is very possible that he will be re-elected, the power of politics has a long arm and voters a short memory.

Now as far as Iran’s threat to Israel is concerned. It is my opinion, having studied the mindset and history of that small country surrounded by enemies, the Israelis could ’take out’ Iran’s nuke plants in short order. That is if our president did not threaten them if they do it! But again, we don’t have a “normal” president that seems to be interested in American and our friends interests, nearly as much as he is interested in his own grip on power. That is a sad thing to say and I hate saying it, but how else are we to interpret his actions? He is a great speech maker. In his speeches he says many things that sounds good and American, but then in his actions he does exactly the opposite. Some would call him a lair, others seem to think he really does want to take the USA down the drain, doing away with our constituted Republic and replacing it with some form of Americanized socialism. What are ‘common people’ supposed to think about our own country?

Today the president announced more ‘toothless’ sanctions on Iran. Claiming to freeze their assets under control of any U.S. bank in the world. The only problem is, according to reports, Iran already removed any important monies out of U.S. banks or currency. So the new sanction is nothing more than ‘grand-standing’ for the benefit of the American public. Iran is already selling their oil to other countries using either gold or foreign money as the medium of exchange, not U.S. dollars.

How can it be that a country such as the USA has given up all its historic principles of freedom, honor and private enterprise in such a short time? Fact is, the American people as a whole have not given up our principles, but we are ‘blind’ to the fact that forces in our own government are undermining our very foundation. The only recourse we have is at the voting booth and that gets to be questionable, in light of some of the tactics that have been used to distort the vote.

Ok, maybe this rant is nothing different than most of them. My advice is this; before you go vote, educate yourself as to the principles of the individuals you have to choice from. Then vote for the one “least likely” to follow the lead of those who stand against everything “you” believe. It is not likely to find a viable politician who you could really trust these days, so I will take the pragmatic approach and choice the best under the circumstances and hope that God will have mercy on us and somehow open our eyes to what is happening in our country, then give us time to return to a sane mind.

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